Human Beings are ruled by Emotion
Team Building was traditionally used in the corporate world
Human beings are ruled by emotion, it defines who we are, how we work and how we interact. Emotions are our body’s way of talking to us. They tell us what we need to be healthy, happy and successful. When we suppress, ignore or use our emotions incorrectly, we risk ill-health, failure and unhappiness. Emotional Intelligence is gaining recognition in the boardroom.
Is Team Building the answer?
Team Building was traditionally used in the corporate world as a plaster to cover a problem or as an excuse to party with company funds.
Trends have shifted in the last year as companies are tightening their belts and ensuring that their team activities offer sustained empowerment and not brief spurts of excitement.
There is a definite need to build relationships founded on mutual respect, and not short term stimulation. Resilience is required to cope in today’s times and that is the core skill that should be developed to ensure a strong motivated team.
The inclusion of activities that teach respectful communication will improve employee morale.
Can EQ be fostered?
The skills of Emotional Intelligence can be learned by anyone, at any time. But there is a difference between learning about emotional intelligence and applying the knowledge into your life.
In order to permanently change behavior in ways that stand up under pressure, you need to learn how to take advantage of the powerful emotional parts of the brain that remain active and accessible even in times of stress.
The business benefits of work-life balance
Increased productivity, mediated through the factors listed below, as well as:
The degree of control an employee has over their tasks impacts their effectiveness at work.
A 2003 study revealed that 49% of companies saw a positive increase in productivity (DTI, 2003).
Improved recruitment and retention:
- Labour turnover is expensive, both in terms of direct replacement costs and the loss of skills and knowledge.
- A DTI poll found all workers were interested in good work-life balance policies, but they are particularly important to carers, parents (mothers and fathers), graduates and older workers.
Lower rates of absenteeism:
Good work-life balance policies take account of long-term absence, the causes of stress and the needs of different groups.
Reduced overheads:
- An improved customer experience.
- A motivated, satisfied and equitable workforce.